Sunday, February 18, 2007

Some Herbs we use

Remember the song “Scarborough Fair”? Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme? They are all herbs, but they do more than make food taste good.

I love working with herbs and essential oils. They are nature’s pharmacy as well as it culinary store. Parsley eaten after a meal freshens the breath.

Rosemary, one of my favorites, is an astringent and stimulant. When used in hair products, it helps to stimulate the hair bulbs and calm dandruff and scruff. In stimulating the scalp with rubbing, it invigorated the blood and oxygenation to the surface. These actions promoted healing cuts and scrapes as well. The astringent part of Rosemary helps in keeping wounds clean and germ free. In aromatherapy, it is used as a stimulant to bring the mind to a more active state.

Lavender has long been known as the “Soother”. It calms and soothes the skin and mind.
Skin irritations appear more soothed and calm in the inflamed areas. The scent is widely used to cover more medicinal aromas in many medicines.

Chamomile is another soother. It helps to relieve the pain from bruises and cuts. When used in hair products, it helps soothe the scalp from all the different stresses we put our hair through. It helps relieve the itchiness from dry skin also.
As you may see, I do tend to get long winded.


Scarves For All Reasons said...

Hi! Put a link from my site to yours. Now we can grow together and knit over the world. LOL Karen A.

Scarves For All Reasons said...

You have been tagged!!!!!!!!!!! love karen